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analysing a wallet on a specific contract (web3js/ethers)

is it possible to obtain the transactions of an eth address on a given contract (nft)? at the moment the os API does not allow this, or rather, I would have to iterate over all wallet transactions ...
klok's user avatar
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3 answers

Read Transaction History with ethers v6.1.0

I am trying to create a new wallet similar to Metamask. I have implemented few simple features and now I am looking to display transaction history for a particular wallet address. I have tried ...
Vaibhav Patel's user avatar
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Await ethereum transaction in javascript by only knowing the transaction hash

Is there a way to check if a transaction was mined/it's being mined by only knowing the transaction hash? I'm using ethers.js
Agilulfo's user avatar
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How to retrieve DAI transfers

I'm trying to fetch most recent DAI transfers for this address 0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f, and retrieve information about them such as address, etc. I feel like I'm missing ...
user110925's user avatar
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Wait for incoming ethereum transactions and credit them after n confirmations

I'm trying to create a website where users can deposit ethereum. For my server I'm using node.js and express.js. I looked into web3.js but the docs are unclear to me and I don't know which functions ...
gggggggggg's user avatar
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how to fail a ether transaction on blockchain (with insufficient balance)

Need to generate error cases for ether transfer to see how blockchain deals with these cases. But ethereum clients like metamask didn't allow sending ether higher than the balance. Tried the same with ...
Bobby Sebastian's user avatar
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How to get transaction failed reason with ethers.js

Using ethers' waitForTransaction(), getTransactionReceipt() or getTransaction() I can ask for transaction status, but I need to know the cause of error (as this question: How to get transaction failed ...
Fabio Suarez's user avatar
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Is it safe to sign messages with Personal Sign or can you hide a transaction in the message?

I am wondering if it is safe to sign any message with Personal Sign? Can't a malicious dapp try to hide a transaction inside the message I am signing and then use my signature to make that transaction?...
FracaShaw's user avatar
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Who pays the gas when web.eth.sendSignedTransaction() called?

I was trying meta transactions and i noticed in all examples only messages are signed and contract handles request manually using ecrecover. I wonder who pays the gas when web3.eth....
Bayram Utku Uzunlar's user avatar
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How get estimated gas before sending the transaction?

How do you get the "estimated gas" from a "swapExactETHForTokens" function? As shown in metamask (before one can accept the purchase) Binance Smart Chain (BSC) From the pancakeswap ...
luisbriyan's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

tx fee (2.11 ether) exceeds the configured cap (1.00 ether), how to bypass default cap?

I'm getting this error when trying to make a simple ETH(BNB) transaction with very high gas, I've tried using different scripts with both web3 and ethers.js and both throw the same error on the BSC ...
Charlie's user avatar
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How to send correct SwapExactEthForTokens params types on ethers/web3.js?

I need to know how to send correct paramaters / paramater types as in what does the parameter type has to be is it a hex number , a string ? help would be massively appreciated. Notes: 1)i cant set ...
Aaron Klich's user avatar
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How to send ethers from multiple accounts to a single recipient?

I want to transfer 1 ETH distributed to three addresses to a single recipient address. How can I achieve this in ethers.js
Amirhosein Rajabi's user avatar