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analysing a wallet on a specific contract (web3js/ethers)

is it possible to obtain the transactions of an eth address on a given contract (nft)? at the moment the os API does not allow this, or rather, I would have to iterate over all wallet transactions ...
klok's user avatar
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17 votes
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What's the proper way to wait for a transaction to be mined and get the results? [duplicate]

I'm using react to write the frontend for my dApp, and doing this to (attempt to) update react's state via an asynchronous sendTransaction call: var thisJS = this web3.eth.sendTransaction({from: ...
glowkeeper's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Send transaction using MetaMask injected web 3

Metamasks injected web3 gives an error when using web3.eth.sendTransaction() web3.eth.sendTransaction({from:web3.eth.accounts[0], to:'', data: // hash to interact with contraact, gas:85000}); What ...
vera34's user avatar
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sendTransaction from iPhone app

How do I call sendTransaction from within an iPhone app? I was thinking of running a web to Geth proxy where the iPhone app would call the Api exposed by the proxy which in turn calls my self hosted ...
Anderson Tess's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Does Web3.js have the functionality to create new accounts and unlock an account for a period of time for a series of transactions?

I want to create new accounts through my Dapp web interface and unlock a specific account so that transactions can be processed. I didn't see it in the web3.js documentation so wonder if that's on the ...
Alan Wunsche's user avatar
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