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How to calculate transaction fee using ethers.js

I am trying to calculate the transaction fee of a tx before prompting MetaMask using ethers.js. So for I have: const gasPrice = ethers.utils.formatUnits(await ethers.getDefaultProvider().getGasPrice(),...
abc's user avatar
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Unaffordable gas limit for my Ethereum based crypto-coin

The gas limit for single send transaction is about 21000 gas. Now I am creating my own Ethereum based crypto-coin, and I want to keep its conversion rate as 1 coin = 1 US$ and about 0.02 US$ as ...
PrashantNagawade's user avatar
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Why estimateGas return 21001 instead 21000?

For example web3.eth.estimateGas({from: eth.coinbase, to: eth.accounts[1], amount: web3.toWei(1, "ether")}) return 21001, but not 21000, so why?
DeV1doR's user avatar
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Is it possible to deplete all funds in an Ethereum account?

I have an Ethereum account loaded with Ethers and I need to spend all of them, leaving account final balance at exactly zero Weis. Is that possible? I know using method eth_estimateGas() and ...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar
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Is it possible to calculate the gas costs of a transaction exactly upfront?

In the Ethereum wallet there are the estimated gas costs. Why is it only an estimate? Is is possible to calculate the gas costs precisely upfront?
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