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How to retrieve transaction hash value from the Promise object using web3js?

I'm trying to retrieve the transaction hash value after I call my smart contract method. My Promise object looks like below. returnPromise: Promise { "pending" } ​ <state>: "...
TThom's user avatar
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Transmit array as first parameter in web3.js

When I develop in solidity combined with web3.js, I face some problem recently. I create a contract code below //setContractDetail(index,bool isConsentItem,uint8[] detailItems) function ...
Hermes Keng's user avatar
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Send transaction throw bsc with web3

i'm trying to send a transaction via bsc using WalletConnect and web3 This is the connection code const provider = new WalletConnectProvider({ rpc: { 1: "https://bsc-dataseed.binance....
Francesco Grazioso's user avatar
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Optimizing ETH transaction code

I am using the below code for executing ETH transactions with web3.js Is it an optimized code? is there any room for improvements, what else can I add, or how can I handle exceptions/errors const ...
ershad7's user avatar
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Creating a transaction from a webform - invalid number of args

I have a HTML web page where I am feeding user entries into a smart contract that is designed to "store" the entries in transactions. I have most of the application working, but I'm having trouble ...
Forrest's user avatar
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