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3 votes
2 answers

Why does confirm that there is always 1 block apart on the mainnet when initiate multi-transactions simultaneously- by and

1.I have a need to initiate multiple transactions to the same contract address in the fastest time and get confirmation from the network. Means that multiple transactions are recorded in the same ...
kyle xu's user avatar
  • 31
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482 views Transaction Keeps Timing Out

I'm attempting to send a transaction using between an address I created & my metamask account on goerli. Everything seems to go well until confirming the transaction, at which point w3.eth....
Steven Cloud's user avatar
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Can I get more specific metadata for a certain transaction hash from a basic RPC connection (e.g. Infura)

I am trying to deploy a "verifyTx(tx_hash){}" function that takes a hash and tells me the state (succ vs. fail vs. pending), but I was hoping to get more advanced information on the hash if ...
jdero's user avatar
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