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Why do I see some random transactions to "The DAO" in my mist client?

I am curious to know, why I do see some random transactions of "The DAO" in my mist client within my "last transactions" section. I have actually two of them yet: Is it because I watch my Tokens?
swiesend's user avatar
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Do you need the fully synced node before sending a transaction to the network? [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a wallet locally. I can create an externally owned account using geth that is connected to a local test chain. Now I would like to "push" that account to the real blockchain. Does ...
Gruff McGruff's user avatar
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Acting to a transactions as soon as they are done

My app requires to act to paid transactions in a matter of seconds. In a worst case scenario it could be few minutes. Problem is that my geth chain is never at the point where Etherscan chain is. It'...
JuztBe's user avatar
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Latest Block Number 0 [duplicate]

I am running geth with this command : geth --fast --cache=512 --ws --wsorigins="*" --rpc --rpccorsdomain="*" --wsapi "db,eth.subscribe,net,ssh,miner,web3,personal,admin" --datadir /media/username/...
Farhan's user avatar
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Contract is being mined but not successfully

struct list{ string typo; // name of dataset address head; } mapping (string => list) _list; struct node{ address add; address next; } mapping (string =>...
Shirish Patel's user avatar
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Easiest way to get maximum transaction stack depth level

When a contract causes an addresses code on the EVM, a stack depth counter is kept. I need this stack information as I am producing a EVM execution visualiser. This stack depth changes when a ...
Gawnie's user avatar
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Transaction null even after getting mined

I am invoking a smartContract method to issue coin(cryptocurrency example). When I invoke the method the transaction is getting submitted and mined. refer the below transaction logs. But after that ...
Lakshmi's user avatar
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There is a missing currency sent to the account, please be sure to confirm it [closed]

Missing Ethereum Transaction! From Poloniex to my ETH wallet this process Address: 0x9434903Dc1a16872EF1F80920CC71EE8d70d8Cf4 Txid: 0x1d5a31b99a16971c010e4c9fb2f16e2ee8a9540b1a18f4d3e505e304f76e49ad
mohammed alaamri's user avatar
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Where to put message (=data, payload) in geth transaction [duplicate]

Basic transaction in geth is eth.sendTransaction({from:sender, to:receiver, value: amount}) if I want to put some HEX message (eg.FF) to this transaction, where do I put it?
Matias's user avatar
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Transaction initiation and response

When we initiates a transaction(let say by remix using injected web3), we will get response which includes hash of transaction as transaction id which helps to track the transaction. Before this, if ...
Gopal ojha's user avatar
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how can we get ledger way of Debits/Credits happened on blockchain

i am using geth and want to have a list of all the transactions (debits/credits) happened on my privatenet. like the way ledger is being used. is there any way to do this? and how to get all the ...
Priyanka D L's user avatar
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Speed up transaction processing in a private chain [duplicate]

Given a private chain where all transactions are sent with the same amount of gas and gasprice, is it possible to speed up transaction processing by lowering the complexity of a block? Or by any ...
BennyM's user avatar
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Cant unlock account and find a Txs in the geth through clef(POA private chain in Centos 7)

about the question(POA private ) 1.Cant not using clef's personal.unlockAccount method to unlock the account in the geth,but can use the personal.listWallets method to list the accounts use the ...
afHu's user avatar
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