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Passing constructor arguments in the NewContractCreation in go-ethereum

I am trying to create a transaction to deploy a contract using the types.NewContractCreation() method in the core folder of go-ethereum. However I don’t understand how to pass the parameters of the ...
1 vote
2 answers

What would happen if I would deploy contract as 1st and 129th transaction?

According to how contract address is computed my 1st and 129th transaction as a contract deployment should have the same address. What would happen if I was to deploy them in that order? I already ...
2 votes
1 answer

Purchase real Ether and add to base/default account

I created an Ethereum Consortium Leader instance on Microsoft Azure and they provided us with an Admin site and RPC endpoint: http://someName.eastus....
2 votes
1 answer

Creating a new contract via sendRawTransaction() dropped

I have setup a private test network with geth 1.5.7 and am trying to create a new contract from my node.js app via sendRawTransaction(). I see the transaction created and txpool shows it as queued, ...
2 votes
2 answers

Contract transaction was sent to a 'null' address

I have attempted to deploy a contract through geth, my understanding was that a null value could be given when creating the transaction to deploy the contract. After mining the transaction I ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why contract's function that is deploy inside Solidity browser does not deployed inside geth?

I have my private Ethereum Network. Inside Solidity Browser: From Web3 Provider I have connected to my local ethereum node. I have pressed create button and successfully deployed my contract. Now I ...