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Get pending transactions to a given address/contract

Is there a way I can get all pending transactions to a given address/contract? I could get the confirmed transactions by exploring transactions in recent blocks. But how would I go about getting ...
LampShade's user avatar
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i stupidily wrapped my ether to weth from metamask using uniswap,

I stupidly wrapped my ether to WETH from MetaMask using Uniswap. I then used to unwrap it but its taking so long. Here is the transaction hash ...
M Panayi's user avatar
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Is it safe to assume that a smart contract can hold Ether for years if the withdrawal is not triggered?

Given that ethereum continues to run for few years, is it safe to assume that the smart contract will hold the ether that was deposited into it for years until its triggered to transfer/withdraw the ...
Kaushik Wavhal's user avatar