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Can't access swarm : bzz://theswarm.eth/ from mist browser

When accessing the URL in Mist, and after connecting my account, I get an empty white screen. Running on OS X with the version 0.11.1 of Mist. Any idea where it could come from ? Thanks.
Jean-Malo Le Dreff's user avatar
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Mist 0.9 Freeze: Downloading Swarm binary: 78%

I am running a fully synched geth 1.7.1 local node on mainnet (--datadir "G:) Mist 0.8.10 loads and works fine However when I close Mist 0.8.10 and try to run Mist 0.9.0 or 0.9.1 it seems to freeze ...
Purple Anteater's user avatar
3 votes
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NodeSync - Node crashed while syncing? TypeError: Cannot read property 'timestamp' of undefined

Previously Mist wallet worked. Now it stops at 'Started Swarm' and writes this to console. I'm using Qubes with Debian-8 template. I start Mist by ./geth --synchmode "light" in the .config/Ethereum ...
Nick Exa's user avatar
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Can't launch Mist with testRPC

On Win10 I downloaded and installed truffle and trying to do their recent "pet-shop" tutorial. At the Dapp stage, didn't manage to work with Metamask as suggested and tried Mist instead. I have ...
Antfly's user avatar
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What is swarm.exe?

After last update of mist I have swarm.exe process running and consuming lots of my CPU, IO and network bandwidth. What is it doing and is there a standard way to disable it, or reduce PC slowdown? ...
Stepan Yakovenko's user avatar