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How is the Gas Price field in Metamask populated?

I have an evm compatible blockchain with a price limit set to 10000. However when I go to submit a transaction to a validator, Metamask populates the gas price at 0: How can I ensure transactions are ...
cormacncheese's user avatar
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Where to define the MetaMask window.ethereum.on Listener

I have tried to include the window.ethereum.on listener to detect account changes in MetaMask, in my mounted () {} method. When the listener is triggered, it itself triggers the location.reload() ...
JF0001's user avatar
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Can't call functions from contract using web3.js

So I have a Dapp and want to call a function from a contract deployed on Rinkeby. I use Metamask to interact with the blockchain. When I use the functions in the console, they work, but when I want ...
Steve's user avatar
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