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Metamask Connect Button Not working when adding "Deposit" function

I'm following a tutorial for a basic app that utilizes Metamask, this is my code in index.js: import { ethers } from "./ethers-5.6.esm.min.js" import { abi, contractAddress } from "./...
Ofir Smolinsky's user avatar
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How is the Gas Price field in Metamask populated?

I have an evm compatible blockchain with a price limit set to 10000. However when I go to submit a transaction to a validator, Metamask populates the gas price at 0: How can I ensure transactions are ...
cormacncheese's user avatar
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Contract not returning error to React Interface

I have a contract which I've tested with Mocha and Remix and is working just fine. The problem is when I'm running it with my React Interface. When I call a function in my solidity contract that ...
AlbertoV19's user avatar
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In which language should i write my deployment code Javascript or Solidity

Which language should I learn to write the deployment code for a smart contract: JavaScript or Solidity (using Foundry)? What should I learn according to today's trends?
saksham mishra's user avatar
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Rejecting the transaction doesn't catch the error in try-catch block

I am working on a Dapp porject ,Where I have to catch the metamask error. Here is my code: import React, { createContext, useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState, } from "react"; ...
Asir Shahriar Roudra's user avatar
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Receiving Invalid Address on Web3

I am having issues launching my web3 connected to Solidity (on Remix) and MetaMask. The error that popped out was that I have an invalid address and they were referencing the function called ...
SpunkkyD's user avatar
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ReferenceError: web3 is not defined

<script src=""></script> <script> window.onload = function(){ if(typeof web3==&...
daredevil's user avatar
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MetaMask - Internal JSON-RPC error

i was developing a full stack nft marketplace, where i can mint nfts but when i try to buy it gives me this error :MetaMask - Internal JSON-RPC error code: 3, message: "execution reverted: Please ...
stofu's user avatar
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How to update Data on UI

I have a UI thats connected to metamask The UI updates all the Info now on address change and when metamask is enabled How can i make my UI update every second? so it always shows accurate stats on ...
redbulll's user avatar
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Not able to call the solidity function through App.js? Anyone know how to call a solidity function?

I'm trying to call a Solidity function from App.js, but I'm unsuccessful even after a number of tries. Its a very simple function betOnTeam(). Inside this function I just want to check condition and ...
raghav's user avatar
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