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Account Extended Private Key / BIP32 Extended Private Key need to import MetaMask?

I would withdraw ETH from my Binance account and give ETH as christmas gift to my nephew and my niece. 1: Is it any drawback in a long run if I use not the ETH network but BSC? In 10-20 years or so. ...
János's user avatar
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Openethereum/parity import export

anyone has used export to take a backup and import to load data in openethereum(parity) blockchain? please provide information I have tried export .rlp file and it works but when trying to import ...
Nilamben Patel's user avatar
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Importing Ethereum Account Private Key and Using on Different Servers

Let's suppose i have a wallet on one remote server, R-1. Is it possible to get the private key of that wallet/account and use it on different remote server R-2? I know, i can copy/paste files under ...
Saad Saadi's user avatar
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Backup blockchain from a running geth fullnode

I need to make backups from my running node to be able to start a second node quickly or to restore the node quickly if it gets corrupted. Does geth export work on a running node? is it a good option ...
jeff's user avatar
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