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Can I find the hash using a partial hash address in order to look it up at

For example 0x0DDF2…e7D19 How can I find/search for the reminder the address? The auto complete feature is no longer available at
Clarck Gin's user avatar
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How to calculate a pair address given token addresses

How do you combine two token addresses to form a pair address? I would imagine this is purely mathematical and doesn't require a call to web3. I want to know how to do it without calling the internet....
BAR's user avatar
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How is the the net probability mentioned in EIP-55 calculated?

In EIP-55, it says: the net probability that a randomly generated address if mistyped will accidentally pass a check is 0.0247% I am curious about how this probability is calculated and tried to ...
Philip's user avatar
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Hardhat local network keys generation

I noticed the generation of Hardhat local Etheruem network keys are found on the Mainnet. Example: After running npx hardhat node. Accounts ======== Account #0: ...
penguin's user avatar
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How to store in `address` two kinds of addresses at once?

I have a set of address values, each of them can contain a real Ethereum account (user account or contract) or a "virtual" address (an address pseudo-randomly generated by my contract, in ...
porton's user avatar
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How to get two points (x, y) from an encoded pubkey?

this gives a valid address from two points; address(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(point[0], point[1]))) & 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); but does that mean that if you are ...
cookiekid's user avatar
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Why are Ethereum addresses hashes of public keys?

I understand how Ethereum addresses are generated. This thread has a great explanation: How are ethereum addresses generated? However, what this explanation is missing is why a hash is used. There ...
graup's user avatar
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Concatenation of different datatypes and hashing it

How can I concat two different datatypes and then hash it? for example: sha3(int8 + address) Or it is also good for me hash them separately, and then hash together. like this: sha3(sha3(int8) + ...
gkucmierz's user avatar
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How does Ethereum avoid address collision?

Recently PillarProject reported an issue where there was collision (?) of sort. Apparently their smart contract address on Rinkeby testnet matched with real address on the mainnet. I am aware that ...
Parthasarathy Ramanujam's user avatar