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Timelock for upgradeable contracts

Also asked in OZ forum Use case - Adding time delay for upgrading a proxy. Example - mETH protocol. mETH protocol uses timelock as the ProxyAdmin, means they don't deploy the seperate ProxyAdmin ...
Zartaj Afser's user avatar
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Is there a reason the OZ governor contract can't see it's own function or is it the way I am calling it?

So I am having an issue with a DAO. I'm using and function ...
SolidTeaDev's user avatar
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How to limit canceller role in OpenZeppelin governance?

In openzeppelin governance contracts, a proposal can be cancelled by a wallet that has the canceller role. As the deployer of the DAO, I want to ensure the security of my DAO, hence I want to be able ...
MehmedB's user avatar
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I am trying to create a DAO and Unable to execute proposal after successfful queuing of it through timelock contract

here is the error i am getting in the console "underlying transaction reverted".
Hrx tos's user avatar
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What's the actual use case for using Timelock (queue) for governance?

If there was no timelock to begin with, this step (execute) can be ran immediately after the proposal succeeds. To me above makes more sense than adding a timelock to send another queue transaction ...
bbusdriver's user avatar
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Deploy Governance how to configure simple timelock from remix

I went to OpenZeppelin's wizard to attempt to set up a simple token with Governance, I'm can see examples of the token but I'm wondering what the standard deployment for a TimelockController is. I ...
johnny 5's user avatar
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what is the purpose of minimum delay in timelock/governance by open zeppelin?

In Open Zeppelin's Governance/Timelock contracts, what is the purpose of minDelay and how is it used?
user82768's user avatar