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Easiest way to get maximum transaction stack depth level

When a contract causes an addresses code on the EVM, a stack depth counter is kept. I need this stack information as I am producing a EVM execution visualiser. This stack depth changes when a ...
Gawnie's user avatar
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Modifier will get executed in the EVM or no?

where Modifier executed? in block 1, for example i want send 10 eth to a contract address. in the modifier i will check that contract address should have 0 eth balance. The check is done at the ...
Saeed Alipoor's user avatar
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Passing constructor arguments in the NewContractCreation in go-ethereum

I am trying to create a transaction to deploy a contract using the types.NewContractCreation() method in the core folder of go-ethereum. However I don’t understand how to pass the parameters of the ...
Solerus's user avatar
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How can I parallelize the execution of smart contract transactions?

I am doing research and I would like to increase the transaction throughput by parallelizing. With respect to smart contracts what can I parallelize? Ideally I would like to use CUDA.
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