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Encoded delegate calls fails

I have been using encodeFunctionCall() utils for encoding my function call. when i use the encoded data to execute delegateCall(), it gets reverted. My solidity call is like bool success, ) = ...
Mohamed Rashiq's user avatar
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How to transfer a contract address to ContractRef type(ContractRef is a reference to the contract's backing object) in Go-ethereum

I want to call DelegateCall(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64) in geth, but it can only be triggered by the opcode. So I want to convert address of deployed contract ...
Jocelyn's user avatar
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delegateContract address getting reset on delegatecall using geth console

I've deployed the following contracts on the rinkeby testnet. They are completely separate with different addresses: pragma solidity ^0.4.11; contract Backend { address public delegateContract; ...
Michael O'Rourke's user avatar
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out of gas error by assembly delegatecall

I want to get a return value from current contract call other contract by delegatecall, but got a error of out-of-gas. I try to add gas limit to 3000000000, but it doesn't work. please help me. And i ...
BinGoBinBin's user avatar
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Ethereum - What is the correct way to pass a string using delegate Call?

In my contract, I have separated my code and data. In the "data contract", I am storing the current version of code. Whenever addEmployee() is called, I am trying to delegate it to Current Version ...
Viswanath Kapavarapu's user avatar