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What happens when you send a non-state-changing transaction to the transaction pool

I understand that there are 2 endpoints for smart contracts. Call() for running view/pure function and SendTransaction() for state-changing transactions. Obviously a state-changing transaction sent to ...
RhinoBomb's user avatar
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How can execute function that send ether in geth console?

I want to execute the send function that sends ether from the sender to the receiver, the code is as shown below. contract Sender { function send(address _receiver , uint amount) public ...
atti's user avatar
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How Ethereum contracts transfer Ether without a blockchain confirmation

I would like to understand how Ethereum "messages" (originated from a smart contract) can transfer Ether to another account without a blockchain confirmation. I have spent several hours ...
Krug's user avatar
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what information is provided to the miner with the transaction

I am wondering what information is provided to the miner with a transaction that needs to invoke a contract? I thought about Gas, GasPrice, name of function to invoke and input. But, whether the ...
MWH's user avatar
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What will happen when an ethereum node loss internet connection?

Will it reconnect to the ethereum network upon establishing internet connection again automatically and sync Data ? Can we perform transaction and calls on the offline(no internet connection) ...
Afzaal Ahmad's user avatar
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Sending parameters via the transaction Object

This works just fine: myContractObject.doSomething(i, function(err, result) { if (err) { console.log(err) } else { doSomethingElse(result) } }) However, this doesn't: ...
glowkeeper's user avatar
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return (bytes32,bytes32) , returns actual transaction address instead of the real data

I have attached my contract, which works fine on populus and compiles on geth. It is a simple source code: Test() function appends data into my linkedlist that is defined in my library. And get() ...
alper's user avatar
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