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2 votes
2 answers

How to test chain reorganization with testrpc?

I am working on blockchain synchronization script. I need a way to make reorganization programmatically for testing purposes. Is there such functionality in some testrpc?
Ivan Zakharov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Syncing events on Database - Dealing with blockchain reorganization

My Dapp relies on live events synchronization on a centralized database. There is always a server side script polling the blockchain for new events, parsing then and do the corresponding operations on ...
pan1994's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Persistent "deep transaction reorg" whilst syncing full geth node

Whilst syncing a new full node using the geth comand "geth --syncmode full", every other line after a few hundred blocks I see the following: WARN [12-02|02:30:46] Skipping deep transaction reorg ...
AnotherGethUser's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is the accepted methodology for verifying the integrity of pulled chain data?

What is the accepted methodology of checking the integrity of a chain? If I poll my Geth/Parity node for block data using web3.js how can I confirm that the data returned is not going to be subject ...
Thomas Clowes's user avatar