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Why is the method in receive() external payable{this.withdraw Funds();} not called in Solidity?

I wrote a smart contract that, when receiving money to my address, should automatically transfer 50% to the 1st wallet address, 25% to the second, 25% to the third. For some reason it doesn't do it ...
Alexei's user avatar
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How to make it so that when money comes to the Metamask wallet, they are automatically redirected to this smart contract? [duplicate]

I wrote a smart contract on Solidity, which, when receiving money to its address, redirects 50% to the first wallet, 25% to the second wallet. How to make it so that when money comes to the Metamask ...
Alexei's user avatar
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How to transfer ethers from a contract to another SPECIFIC address?

I want to write a smart contract that, when receiving money, transfers 50% to a specific address of the first wallet (0x583031D1113aD414F02576BD6afaBfb302140225) and transfers 25% to a specific ...
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How to transfer Ether between accounts in Solidity?

I'd like get ether balance of account in solidity. I tried the following, but it didn't work. Could you tell me how to do it? contract MultiplyContract{ address public buyer; address public ...
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