So, the bot instantly cancels these payments by sending, for example, 0.01 eth with a commission (fee) of 0.009 to another wallet, or even canceling everything through self - sending 0 to the same address, with a fee of 0.01!
In addition, the address contains ERC20 tokens for $ 1000, which the bot does not touch.
Prompt any script that can be run through geth to monitor the address and try to withdraw tokens or take the incoming ETH? - I have a private key!
I tried to try to start a transaction with the setInterval function at a time when there is zero in the wallet, so that when a payment arrives there, the transaction would occur, because it would be repeated all the time, but after 5 minutes it throws out the console from Geth, moreover, incoming payments are different all the time ...
What is the principle of the bot itself? Is he runing through Geth? Where is there a script for such a bot? The ether, by the way, is being transferred to different addresses all the time! But the bot monitors many of these addresses!
I understand that there are even a lot of bots that compete with each other!
Can you get something out of this? Or is it impossible?