I use the market.link to check available jobs and each job has its own price in terms of link. My question is how many times this fee will be paid?
For example:
Let's say the API GET request costs 0.01 link
. If I trigger a function that triggers ORACLE for a GET call, are we going to pay only 0.01 no matter how many miners execute it? Or is it going to cost 0.01 x numberOfMiners
since each transaction will run by all the miners of the network?
0.01 link
fee sounds like something related specifically to Chainlink's system, which has nothing to do with mining of course. And as I explained to you in an answer on your previous question, the number of miners on the network has nothing to do with how much gas fee you pay for a given transaction. As far as you're concerned, you may assume that there's a single miner that you are paying to.