How to find destination address and value from transaction detail?

Network: rinkeby

destination address is: 0x5e6b735c855cf7f44f179c25c98195ace9eb972b
token value is: 100 LINK

but this items doesn't exist in detail.

  blockHash: '0x5cc6d201cdc30c8748bf36e2cfd758527b011dacc57596fbc915d95c50208e96',
  blockNumber: 7270695,
  from: '0xa7a82DD06901F29aB14AF63faF3358AD101724A8',
  gas: 60000,
  gasPrice: '20000000000',
  hash: '0x5fe65eafd2835dd59f0aa4f420aaa46ae174e0f418456e529172838248f54fa7',
  input: '0xa9059cbb0000000000000000000000005e6b735c855cf7f44f179c25c98195ace9eb972b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000056bc75e2d63100000',
  nonce: 5136,
  to: '0x01BE23585060835E02B77ef475b0Cc51aA1e0709',
  transactionIndex: 1,
  value: '0',
  v: '0x1c',
  r: '0xa7184fee3916d1d0f09385a5bd47bf59249d1baca4a446565cba9ee7cca4313d',
  s: '0x104cddc2d3418eedec42c1a2bb894f22669d08a84a5706972b6509c01ad60c2c'
  • Is this a serious question??? They're in the fields to and value respectively! Commented Sep 27, 2020 at 15:48
  • as @goodvibration said...
    – Adam Boudj
    Commented Sep 27, 2020 at 15:51
  • i added more details Commented Sep 27, 2020 at 15:59
  • 1
    The value field indicates the amount of ether passed in the transaction, not the amount of some token (a transaction doesn't even have to be a token-transfer). Commented Sep 27, 2020 at 16:33
  • 1
    The to fields indicates the smart-contract account (in the case of a function call) OR the externally-owned account (in the case of a pure ether-transfer) that the transaction was sent to. Not some token-transfer destination address (as I said on the previous comment, the transaction doesn't even have to be a token-transfer). Commented Sep 27, 2020 at 16:34

1 Answer 1


You seem to be confusing between transaction and token-transfer, so I'll give you a short introduction of the technical terms that you need to understand IMO.


There are 4 basic types of transactions:

  1. Transferring ether to an account
  2. Transferring ether to a contract
  3. Deploying a contract
  4. Executing a function of a contract

#2 is essentially a special case of #4:

It triggers a designated function of the contract, aka fallback or receive.

In #4, it's a state-changing function of course, otherwise mining is not required.

We can also program our transaction to transfer ether to the contract right before the execution of the function.


Ether is the basic payment unit on the Ethereum blockchain.

Using the private key of a given public address, we can transfer ether from this address to any other Ethereum address, even if no account or contract with that address has been created.

The only exception to this is that if a contract does exist on the destination address, then it must implement a designated function to receive the funds, otherwise the transfer will revert.


Using the basic payment unit (ether) along with contract-programming, we can implement other types of payment units.

These payment units are commonly known as Tokens.

As with ether, we’d like to be able to transfer tokens from one address to another.

But in contrast with ether, this functionality is not "embedded into the system".

We need to deploy a contract which implements token-transferring infrastructure.

A good analogy for this:

  • Ether-transferring is already supported at the hardware-level
  • Token-transferring should be supported at the software-level


Recall that 2 (out of 4) types of transactions are:

  1. Transferring ether to an account
  2. Transferring ether to a contract

For these, all we need is:

  1. The private key of our account
  2. The public address of the destination (account or contract)


Recall that in contrast with ether, token-transferring infrastructure is not "embedded in the system"; we need to deploy a contract which implements it.

The typical implementation is a simple table which maps for every address, the number of tokens owned by that address.

So in essence, when we say that account X has Y tokens, it means that in our token-contract, there is a table which maps address X to amount Y.


With this introduction fully understood, we can go back to your transaction, which according to your description is a token-transfer transaction, and analyze its receipt:

from: '0xa7a82DD06901F29aB14AF63faF3358AD101724A8'
This is the address of the account used for sending the transaction.

input: '0xa9059cbb0000000000000000000000005e6b735c855cf7f44f179c25c98195ace9eb972b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000056bc75e2d63100000'
This is the concatenation of the input parameters passed to the token-transfer function in the LINK token contract.

to: '0x01BE23585060835E02B77ef475b0Cc51aA1e0709'
This is the address of the LINK token contract.

value: '0'
This is the amount of ether passed to the token-transfer function in the LINK token contract.

Note that I slightly cheated on the "contract/account" terminology.

In fact, both are considered Ethereum accounts, where:

  • A smart-contract account is created when you deploy a smart contract to the network, and its private key remains unknown
  • An externally-owned account is created directly by choosing a private key and hashing it, so its private key is known to the creator
  • So, given that Transaction (Token-Transafer) to obtain the destination address and the Token Amount it is required to parse the "Input" field? I can see that it contains the destination address... but I can't "see" the 100 amount. I opened the contract in the etherscan... but I can't see the map address X to amount Y.
    – Alex 75
    Commented Jan 23, 2023 at 21:14

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