I'm trying to call the exchange proxy 2 in truffle console
with web3.js
and i get a VM Exception while processing transaction: revert
. My truffle console is pointing to a ganache-cli mainnet fork based off of infura. The balancer method returns a struct. Could that be the reason it fails? What else could I be doing wrong? Seems like a fairly straight forward thing but I can't for the life of me understand what I'm doing wrong. Passing those exact same arguments to the etherscan read contract page doesnt throw the error...
// abi retrieved from etherscan for this address
contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, "0x3e66b66fd1d0b02fda6c811da9e0547970db2f21");
1000000, 4).call()
Passing those exact same arguments to the etherscan read contract page doesnt throw the error
- but it doesn't show the output either, so most likely etherscan runs into the same problem.VM Exception while processing transaction: revert
when an error like that happens?