As per this documentation, I'm trying to send a signed transaction.
Here's what I have
def send(web3, wallet_private_key, gas_price, transactionABI, value=0):
options = {
'to': units_address,
'data': transactionABI,
'gas': gas_price,
'gasPrice': gas_price,
'value': value
signed = web3.eth.signTransaction(options)
receipt = web3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed.rawTransaction)
return receipt
send(web3, wallet_private_key, gas_price, transactionABI)
But I'm getting the following error
ValueError: {'code': -32601, 'message': 'The method eth_signTransaction does not exist/is not available'}
I'm using infura and it seems like this may be the issue but II'm having a hard time finding instructions for how to send a transaction otherwise.