im in the process of learning about ethereum and Solidity, and im having a problem calling a payable function from a test file.
This is my contract
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0;
//pragma solidity 0.4.17
contract Lottery {
address public manager;
address payable [] public players;
constructor() public {
manager = msg.sender;
function enter() public payable {
require(msg.value > .01 ether);
function pickWinner() public payable restricted {
uint index = random() % players.length;
address payable winner = players[index];
players = new address payable [](0);
function random() private view returns (uint) {
return uint( keccak256(abi.encode(block.difficulty, now, players)));
modifier restricted() {
require(msg.sender == manager, 'Your are not the manager!');
function getPlayers() public view returns (address payable[] memory) {
return players;
and this is my test file
let lottery;
let accounts;
beforeEach(async () => {
accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
lottery = await new web3.eth.Contract(abi)
.deploy({data: bytecode.object})
.send({from: accounts[0], gas: '1000000'}});
describe('Lottery Contract', () => {
it('deploys contract', () => {
it('Allows 1 account to enter', async () => {
await lottery.methods.enter().send({
from: accounts[0],
value: web3.utils.toWei('0.02', 'ether')
const players = await lottery.methods.getPlayers().call({
from: accounts[0]
assert.ok(accounts[0], players[0]);
assert.ok(1, players.length);
it('Allows multiple accounts to enter', async () => {
let conta = 0;
for(let account of accounts) {
await lottery.methods.enter().send({
from: account,
value: web3.utils.toWei('0.02', 'ether')
const players = await lottery.methods.getPlayers().call({
from: account
assert.equal(account, players[conta]);
assert.equal(conta + 1, players.length);
it('Requires a minimun ammount to enter', async () => {
await lottery.methods.enter().send({
from: accounts[0],
value: 200
} catch(error){
it('only manager can call pick winner', async () => {
await lottery.methods.pickWinner().send({
from: accounts[1],
} catch (error) {
it('manager can call pick winner', async () => {
await lottery.methods.pickWinner().send({
from: accounts[0],
No matter what I try, I'm still getting the "invalid opcode" error when calling lottery.methods.pickWinner()
This are the lib versions I'm using
"ganache-cli": "^6.7.0",
"mocha": "^6.2.2",
"solc": "^0.5.14",
"truffle-hdwallet-provider": "^1.0.17",
"web3": "^1.2.4"
The full trace I'm getting is:
o: VM Exception while processing transaction: invalid opcode
at Function.o.fromResults (node_modules\ganache-cli\build\ganache-core.node.cli.js:10:89727)
at D:\DEVELOPMENT\repo\study\etherumSolidityCOurse\lottery\node_modules\ganache-cli\build\ganache-core.node.cli.js:25:121953
at D:\DEVELOPMENT\repo\study\etherumSolidityCOurse\lottery\node_modules\ganache-cli\build\ganache-core.node.cli.js:25:98498
at p (node_modules\ganache-cli\build\ganache-core.node.cli.js:25:98156)
at D:\DEVELOPMENT\repo\study\etherumSolidityCOurse\lottery\node_modules\ganache-cli\build\ganache-core.node.cli.js:25:98209
at t.default (node_modules\ganache-cli\build\ganache-core.node.cli.js:37:544097)
at D:\DEVELOPMENT\repo\study\etherumSolidityCOurse\lottery\node_modules\ganache-cli\build\ganache-core.node.cli.js:25:99122
at t.n.emit (node_modules\ganache-cli\build\ganache-core.node.cli.js:61:16355)
at D:\DEVELOPMENT\repo\study\etherumSolidityCOurse\lottery\node_modules\ganache-cli\build\ganache-core.node.cli.js:61:654328
at D:\DEVELOPMENT\repo\study\etherumSolidityCOurse\lottery\node_modules\ganache-cli\build\ganache-core.node.cli.js:61:654351
at D:\DEVELOPMENT\repo\study\etherumSolidityCOurse\lottery\node_modules\ganache-cli\build\ganache-core.node.cli.js:37:1093446
at D:\DEVELOPMENT\repo\study\etherumSolidityCOurse\lottery\node_modules\ganache-cli\build\ganache-core.node.cli.js:2:19209
Already checked Invalid Opcode opcode error Is it normal to have Invalid opcode in a contract? and VM error: invalid opcode error caused by a modifier but im pretty sure its not my case