All your migrations run from the beginning.
Using ganache
blockchain (for this example), you can check this information at the bottom of your contract's .json
Before --reset
"networks": {
"5777": {
"events": {},
"links": {},
"address": "0x2429A2d4d4eE68C33a08e0490f5E3daf9d3329Ef",
"transactionHash": "0x5b8a2e62e029665eebb57e9679dee738f88c1505280f90dc4942a302782ef4ed"
After --reset
"networks": {
"5777": {
"events": {},
"links": {},
"address": "0x31D381295EBed6D8834F5CafbfeD559Dc0AD02cC",
"transactionHash": "0x7d5c9fa517fab0730e6ae06b576e91d2f3a44504c97e100b7f3375d05b9eaeec"
As you can see there is a new address of the same contract. The data storage of the previous contract will remain but you won't communicate with it. From now on you will call the new contract address when you make a transaction.
This is easy to track in Ropsten, Rinkeby... and also possible in ganache but it depends on your configuration.