Is there any way to do that? To recover address in nodejs server-side from signature and message after it was signed with web3.personal.sign client-side? I tried this: with ethereumjs-util; I tried recoverTypedSignature() from eth-sig-util but in both cases recovered addresses didn't match signing addresses.
Here is the client-side code:
function authorize() {
web3.eth.getAccounts(function (err, account) {
let nonce = "123ABC";
web3.personal.sign(nonce, account[0], function (err, signature) {
//send to nodejs server
$.post("http://localhost:8087", {signature: signature, nonce: nonce, address: account[0]}, function (data) {
and server-side:'/', cors(corsOptions), function(req, res){
const msg = web3.sha3(nonce);
const sig = signature;
const {v, r, s} = util.fromRpcSig(sig);
const pubKey = util.ecrecover(util.toBuffer(msg), v, r, s);
const addrBuf = util.pubToAddress(pubKey);
const addr = util.bufferToHex(addrBuf);