My etherum got stolen today
I have hosted my own ethereum fast node. The node wallet has multiple account. I have created a mini app with api to create new account(without passwords) for users, also allowing them to deposit and withdraw ethreum.
When I did "eth.accounts" (about a month post hosting the node) in my wallet (from geth command line) I was surprised to find 3 addresses with transactions dating 2 months even before I created the node(source Please note the following:
- I have hosted the node on AWS ec2, and storing data by attaching a volume. Note around the time of those unknown transaction i had another node with this same volume attached. Is it possible that the node somehow picked up wallet accounts from the previous node?
- Node is running on a docker container (client-go)
How did these accounts get into my wallet, when i know the probability of generating an already generated address is almost 0? Could there have been a hack, inserted these addresses into my wallet, making users think these are new?