This is what I run (0x65686c6c0a
is "hello" in hex)
swarm --verbosity 2 --bzzaccount `cat Alice` --passsword Pass &
swarm --bzzaccount `<Alice` --password Pass feed create --name neverchanges > FeedHash
swarm --bzzaccount `<Alice` --password Pass feed update --manifest `cat FeedHash` 0x65686c6c0a
I'd expect swarm to update the feed, but I get Fatal: Signer address does not match the update request
swarm --bzzaccount `<Alice` feed create --name neverchanges > FeedHash
fail when you don't give a password? maybe add< <(echo -n <password>)
at the end or use--password <passwordfile>
?--password Pass
, I just didn't want too long lines here. Now I edited the question.