In a Java project im testing the web3j library. there I have a method that generate a new account to the blockchain
public String url = "http://localhost:7545/";
public Admin admin = HttpService(url));
NewAccountIdentifier newAccountIdentifier = admin.personalNewAccount(key).send();
String address = newAccountIdentifier.getAccountId();
if (newAccountIdentifier.hasError()) {
Error error = newAccountIdentifier.getError();
int code = error.getCode();
String message = error.getMessage();
throw new IllegalStateException(code + ": " + message);
When I generate the user I instantiate a deployed contract from Remix IDE to Ganache Blockchain.
UsersContract userContract = UsersContract.load("0xc85e6e4b979d05a9b5adbac3e0e7d68b632460d1", admin, credentials, new BigInteger("240000"), new BigInteger("2400000"));
TransactionReceipt transactionReceipt = userContract.addUser(address).send();
The account is generated(appear in the remix accounts field) and the Java code arrive to the deployed contract. because I have the following error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error processing transaction request: sender doesn't have enough funds to send tx. The upfront cost is: 576000000000 and the sender's account only has: 0
So I create a method that from the first ganache account(with 100 eth) give to the new account a amount of ether. The method works fine
So the flow that i´m following is:
- Create new account
- Send eth from a pregenerated account with ether to the new account
- Load the deployed contract with the address
- When this line execute (TransactionReceipt transactionReceipt = userContract.addUser(address).send();) I get the exception
The main problem is that I can´t understand what´s happend. First I was thinking that the new user dont have ether so can´t complete the transaction. I make a method to give ether and the problem persist. So now im blocked. if I make the transaction without web3j and I call from he Remix IDE the transaction is done and the gas cost is 70853, and not the the 576.... number that return me the Java exception
Other question that I have is that when I load the contract the credential that I load is the new account credential. It has more sense to load always the account that set to default(default I mean the account that deployed the contract, because inside the the contract appear a onlyOwner modifier), or it has sense to load the credentilas of the new address?
Any help?