Maybe I missed it, but can't seem to find it anywhere. Is the unit used in Gwei or in Eth?

For example when writing :

stateDb, err := state.New(rootHash, db)
if err!=nil{
   return err
addressA := common.HexToAddress("0xAb5801a7D398351b8bE11C439e05C5B3259aeC9B")

stateDb.SetBalance(addressA, big.NewInt(1000))

do we get 1000 eth or 1000 wei?

Any help appreciated

2 Answers 2


From state_object.go, the state code deals with the following account representation:

// Account is the Ethereum consensus representation of accounts.
// These objects are stored in the main account trie.
type Account struct {
    Nonce    uint64
    Balance  *big.Int
    Root     common.Hash // merkle root of the storage trie
    CodeHash []byte

setBalance() works on this representation of Balance.

The state representation in the code is a direct implementation of the specification in the Yellow Paper. The description of world state in section 4.1 of the Yellow Paper has this to say:

balance: A scalar value equal to the number of Wei owned by this address

  • 1
    No problem, glad it helped :-) Commented Jan 25, 2019 at 18:19

It is impossible to answer without more information or code to see.

However, it is likely in wei. All values in Solidity are in wei, unless they are suffixed with a keyword such as ether, szabo, or finney.

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