I am trying to convert uint to string in solidity. Is it possible to convert? if so how can I convert it?
Convertion to base 10 is prefered, but in hexadecimal might also be helpful.
I am trying to convert uint to string in solidity. Is it possible to convert? if so how can I convert it?
Convertion to base 10 is prefered, but in hexadecimal might also be helpful.
Another option is to use a solution from Oraclize https://github.com/oraclize/ethereum-api/blob/master/oraclizeAPI_0.5.sol, it suits best for me:
0.5 Compiler Version:
function uint2str(uint _i) internal pure returns (string memory _uintAsString) {
if (_i == 0) {
return "0";
uint j = _i;
uint len;
while (j != 0) {
j /= 10;
bytes memory bstr = new bytes(len);
uint k = len - 1;
while (_i != 0) {
bstr[k--] = byte(uint8(48 + _i % 10));
_i /= 10;
return string(bstr);
Pre 0.5 Compiler Version:
function uint2str(uint i) internal pure returns (string){
if (i == 0) return "0";
uint j = i;
uint length;
while (j != 0){
j /= 10;
bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length);
uint k = length - 1;
while (i != 0){
bstr[k--] = byte(48 + i % 10);
i /= 10;
return string(bstr);
You can convert the uint to bytes32 by using bytes32 data = bytes32(u)
(uint is same uint256 How to convert a uint256 type integer into a bytes32?)
Then use How to convert a bytes32 to string:
function bytes32ToString (bytes32 data) returns (string) {
bytes memory bytesString = new bytes(32);
for (uint j=0; j<32; j++) {
byte char = byte(bytes32(uint(data) * 2 ** (8 * j)));
if (char != 0) {
bytesString[j] = char;
return string(bytesString);
Solidity is character set agnostic concerning strings. There is no built-in "toString" in Solidity. https://github.com/pipermerriam/ethereum-string-utils is a library that can help:
> stringUtils.uintToBytes(1234)
The MIT licensed implementation is:
function uintToBytes(uint v) constant returns (bytes32 ret) {
if (v == 0) {
ret = '0';
else {
while (v > 0) {
ret = bytes32(uint(ret) / (2 ** 8));
ret |= bytes32(((v % 10) + 48) * 2 ** (8 * 31));
v /= 10;
return ret;
Dmitriy Vinokurov answer does not work in solidity 0.8.0. This is a revised version:
function uint2str(
uint256 _i
returns (string memory str)
if (_i == 0)
return "0";
uint256 j = _i;
uint256 length;
while (j != 0)
j /= 10;
bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length);
uint256 k = length;
j = _i;
while (j != 0)
bstr[--k] = bytes1(uint8(48 + j % 10));
j /= 10;
str = string(bstr);
Based on the Oraclize code that Dmitry supplied I made a function to return a uint
as a string
in hex format:
function uint2hexstr(uint i) internal pure returns (string) {
if (i == 0) return "0";
uint j = i;
uint length;
while (j != 0) {
j = j >> 4;
uint mask = 15;
bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length);
uint k = length - 1;
uint numStart = 48;
uint letterStarn = 65;
while (i != 0){
uint curr = (i & mask);
bstr[k--] = curr > 9 ? byte(55 + curr ) : byte(48 + curr); // 55 = 65 - 10
i = i >> 4;
return string(bstr);