If I have a function

function b(address _foo) verifySomeClause {

and a modifier that can take different addresses as an argument, so that msg.sender can be one of those,

modifier c(address _foo) {

and the function modifier is called like this

function b(address _foo) verifySomeClause(_foo) {

and like this,

function b(address _foo) verifySomeClause(msg.sender) {

is there any problem with having the same argument name for the modifier and function?

1 Answer 1


No, there are no issues with such a declaration. To understand this, you might want to look into variable scoping which is how Solidity would evaluate the code.

Take a look at the code below:

contract Demo {
    event print(address _foo);

    modifier c (address _foo) {
        emit print(_foo);
    function b (address _foo) c (msg.sender) {
        emit print(_foo);

When you call the function b, take a look at how it will be evaluated. The modifier c will 'extend' the function b, which is what it is supposed to do. But when this call is made, msg.sender already has a value, and you'll supply the value for the argument _foo when calling the function b.

I have added the event print to make it obvious that those are two different variables bound to different variables. If you run the contract and call function b with a value different from the msg.sender, you'd notice that both the values will be emitted in the events.

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