I'm using web3J library in my java app. I got an address of a deployed contract and would like to get it's binary or abi from the blockchain using my java app, how can I do that?
1 Answer
here is how to read the bytecode using web3j:
EthGetCode ethGetCode = web3j.ethGetCode("0x248b73642eab74b3cfb32f5ecd0ff1a12a5e6a4f",DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST).send();
String s=ethGetCode.getCode();
for the ABI you can't read it from the blockchain but you have to generate it from the code if you have it.
Thanks Badr. Do you happen to know how can I get the contract creator address via web3j?– forhasCommented Jul 26, 2018 at 7:43