I have a smart contract with the following function:
function testHash(
address _sender,
uint8 _method,
uint256 _number,
uint256 _amount)
returns (bytes32)
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_sender, _number, _method, _amount));
Which when given the following values 0xa1d9e8788414eA9827f9639c4bd81bA8f3A29758, 0, 0, 0
produces the following hash 0x65a0fc07391cb16f60c589836a72bdeaf2ab8bcb16c819126abba4408e069bcb
I have the following golang code
func GenerateSignedPaymentMessage(ethAddress common.Address, paymentMethod uint8, paymentNumber, chargeAmountInWei *big.Int) []byte {
//keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, _paymentNumber, _paymentMethod, _chargeAmountInWei))
addressBytes := ethAddress.Bytes()
// we need to cast to []byte in order to generate a keccak hash
methodBytes := make([]byte, 1)
methodBytes[0] = byte(paymentMethod)
numberBytes := paymentNumber.Bytes()
amountBytes := chargeAmountInWei.Bytes()
// generate the hash
hash := crypto.Keccak256(addressBytes, numberBytes, methodBytes, amountBytes)
return hash
Which when I call like so
address := common.HexToAddress("0xa1d9e8788414eA9827f9639c4bd81bA8f3A29758")
method := uint8(0)
number := big.NewInt(0)
amount := big.NewInt(0)
hash := GenerateSignedPaymentMessage(address, method, number, amount)
which gives the following output 0x7fc96d5f44e3e792633fcc981adf2bd0f644f0c167132eca5659b8a72d95bf07
which does not match the hash given by the solidity code. I'm unsure what to do here so any advice would be great!
As pointed out by smarx, I tried the following function
func TestHash(t *testing.T) {
address := common.HexToAddress("0xa1d9e8788414eA9827f9639c4bd81bA8f3A29758")
bn := make([]byte, 32)
ba := make([]byte, 32)
bm := make([]byte, 32)
bn[31] = 0
ba[31] = 0
bm[31] = 0
hash := crypto.Keccak256Hash(address.Bytes(), bn, ba, bm)
Which produces the following hash 0xfc60222910c18ebcfd5610479223663effa903325f3db1db39a4d5fa37ba33a2
do? My guess is it's not returning 32 bytes (the size of auint256
), because I don't see where you're providing information as to how many bytes to return.