I am building an auction smart contract in Remix with random winners being picked. And I am not getting any value out of the following function:

    function revealWinners() public {
        for (uint id = 0; id <3; id++) {
            Item storage currentItem=items[id];
            if(currentItem.itemTokens.length != 0) {
                uint randomIndex = (block.number /
                currentItem.itemTokens.length)% currentItem.itemTokens.length;
                uint winnerId = currentItem.itemTokens[randomIndex];


Everything else is working as it should but I have been stuck on this for a while, anyone here have an idea what I am missing?

1 Answer 1


To fulfill your requirement may be returns may solve it.

  function revealWinners() public returns (uint) {
        for (uint id = 0; id <3; id++) {
            Item storage currentItem=items[id];
            if(currentItem.itemTokens.length != 0) {
                uint randomIndex = (block.number /
                currentItem.itemTokens.length)% currentItem.itemTokens.length;
                uint winnerId = currentItem.itemTokens[randomIndex];
                return winnerId;


If you want to return any value from the function then you have to use return keyword as other programming language do . As you see in the function

function revealWinners() public returns (uint){

you have to use returns(data_type_Or_datatype_with_name) in the function. so the function have to be like this:-

function functio_Name(agr1,agr2,..) returns (ret_arg1,ret_arg2,..){
//logic here

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