Token Contract

CrowdSale Contract

Environment == Injected Web3 Ropsten MetaMask/Remix

Call Functions as follow :

  1. setTokenOffering (offeringAddr: CrowdSale address),

  2. Sent 0.1 ETH TO CrowdSale contract (successfull), -amountRaised == 0: uint256: 100000000000000000 -balanceOf == 0: uint256: 100000000000000000 -tokenBalanceOf == 0: uint256: 680000000000000000000 / rate = 0: uint256: 6800 enter image description here


4.Transfer (to tokenReward address == 210 000 000 PDT ) (successfull),

5.approve (allowance == 210 000 000 PDT),

6.transferFrom (from:owner address, to: rewardAddress, value:0 (only with value "0" works) Im not sure about that !, but is Success;

It shows me 0.1 PDT instead of 680 PDT. enter image description here

Has anyone seen something similar and could help me overcome this problem.

I am asking for a straightforward answer. Thank You.Robert

7.(fallback) and "buy" give me "Gas estimation failed". enter image description here

  • Where do you actually transfer tokens in your crowdsale contract? Commented May 30, 2018 at 11:17
  • Hi, tokens was transfer to the token reward address.
    – Robert
    Commented May 30, 2018 at 12:08


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