For web3 v5.x.x
Event Log Filters is as follows:
event_filter= myContract.events.<event_name>.createFilter(fromBlock="latest", argument_filters={'arg1':10}) event_filter.get_new_entries()
Goal: I want to print logs of the smart contract, like I do on web3.js
, using web3.py
On web3.js
side, following code piece works:
var event = myContract.LogJob({}, {fromBlock:0, toBlock:'latest'});
event.watch(function(error, result) {
But on the web3.py side I was not able to make it work. :( I have followed following documentation.
event_filter = myContract.eventfilter('LogJob', {'filter': {'arg1':10}})
Error I am having:
AttributeError: 'Contract' object has no attribute 'eventFilter'
I have also tried following line of code, but it did not worked as well:
event = myContract.call().LogJob({}, {'fromBlock':100, 'toBlock':110});
[Q] Am I doing something wrong? How could I fix this?