I have two contract and in first contract it contains a function which is responsible for returning two values, one of string and one of integer.

function getUserData(address userAddress)
    public    constant    returns(string, uint)
    string Firstname = "Hello";
    uint number=123;
   return( Firstname,number);

On compiling this gives error "Type literal_string "Hello" is not implicitly convertible to expected type string storage pointer. string Firstname = "Hello"; " In the second contract I make object of first contract and tried to get function

function FetchDetail(address userAddress) public constant returns(string,uint )
    string memory  data1;
    uint  data2;
    UserRegistration ud=new UserRegistration();
   (data1,data2)= ud.getUserData(userAddress);

But I am unable to get values. Please suggest me.

  • 3
    The compilation error can be resolved with string memory Firstname = "Hello";.
    – user19510
    Commented Feb 21, 2018 at 15:11

1 Answer 1


Since Firstname is a string literal defined in the function scope, missing to explicitly define the data location sets it to storage by default (where the state variables are persisted) [1]. That assignment operation then looks for the data at the provided location, which in the example is not a valid storage reference. In order to solve the compilation error in the provided example, it is necessary to set the memory keyword, as pointed out by user smarx: string memory Firstname = "Hello";.

The second snippet is valid, as of Solidity version 0.4.25.

Given the provided code snippets, the following would be the aggregated code, to serve as reference (SecondContract.sol):

pragma solidity ^0.4.25;

contract UserRegistration {
    function getUserData(address userAddress) public constant returns(string, uint) {
        string memory Firstname = "Hello";
        uint number=123;
        return( Firstname,number);

contract SecondContract {
    function FetchDetail(address userAddress) public constant returns(string,uint ) {
        string memory  data1;
        uint  data2;
        UserRegistration ud=new UserRegistration();
        (data1,data2)= ud.getUserData(userAddress);

Deploying SecondContract and calling FetchDetail function with 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 as argument returns:

string Hello uint256 123

[1] https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.4.25/types.html#data-location

Stay super!


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