I have 2 ETH addresses (P and N) and a ETH Node (synchronized and running 24h with GETH client). I do not have ETH on the node address (address N) I do have ETH on my address P. Need transfer from address P into address N using private key of address P. I want to use my Terminal command line on my machine running GETH to transfer ETH from address P to address N. How to do it?

P.S. without using MIST or MyEtherWallet

1 Answer 1


Geth doesn't like to work with private keys directly, but if you put the private key in a file and then do geth account import <filename>, you'll then have the account visible in geth.

Then you can run geth attach, unlock the account via web3.personal.unlockAccount(...), and finally web3.eth.sendTransaction(...) from it.

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