Click on the contract you want to delete. On the contract page, hover over the name. You see a trashcan. Click on this to remove the contract.
EDIT: As noted by @Vesa, you may not be able to access the contract as Mist freezes. What OS and version of Mist are you using.
I have had some problems with Ethereum Wallet 0.7.2 that are not present in 0.6.2 - Try running this older version to remove your contract.
Manual Deletion
In the Ethereum Wallet (Mist) menu, click on Develop -> Toggle Developer Tools -> Wallet UI. Click on the Console tab.
Enter CustomContracts.find().fetch()
in the console, finding the _id
of the Custom Contract, then entering the command CustomContracts.remove({your Custom Contract _id})
This is similar to removing custom tokens in Mist - see the screens in How to remove custom tokens from mist? as linked by @Vesa
UPDATE 18 May 2016
A new version of the Ethereum Wallet (Mist) 0.7.4 (Beta 18) is available from Note that you should remove The DAO contract from your watchlist if you experience any freezes.
If you are watching The DAO we recommend you stop watching it for now, at least while it's so popular. You can still send ether to it, if that's your intention. On our testings, even if the performance has improved, watching the DAO still hangs the wallet occasionally.
If you still cannot remove the The DAO contract from Mist due to the freezing, consider downgrading Mist to 0.6.2, remove the contract, then use the latest version.
UPDATE 29 May 2016
If you leave Ethereum Wallet running for a few hours after you experience a freezing issue, Ethereum Wallet will catch up with the event log entries it is due to receive from geth
, and once again Ethereum Wallet will become responsive to your actions.
UPDATE 23 Jul 2016
My Ethereum Wallet application kept freezing even after removing The DAO contact and re-installing The DAO contract.
I renamed my ~/.config/Mist
cd ~/.config
mv Mist Mist_pre_20160723
I started Ethereum Wallet and reinstalled The DAO contract using the instructions from How to add and watch the DAO contract .
Ethereum Wallet is now working smoothly.
I then removed my old ~/.config/Mist_pre_20160723
The Ethereum Wallet config directories are:
- On Linux,
- On OS X,
~/Library/Application Support/Mist
- On Windows,