Here's what I've been able to get going to far. I can open the blockchain database but I can't seem to create a valid blockchain object (nor call the blockchain.getBlock() function successfully). I'm running against the local database files for my geth.exe node running against mainnet.

Geth.exe 1.7.3 running against mainnet in a Windows 10 laptop.

const LevelUp = require('levelup');
const LevelDown = require('leveldown');
const RLP = require('rlp');
const Trie = require('merkle-patricia-tree');

const Account = require('ethereumjs-account')
const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx')
const Block = require('ethereumjs-block')
const Blockchain = require('ethereumjs-blockchain')

const Util = require('ethereumjs-util')
const BN = Util.BN

var dboptions = { createIfMissing: false };
var BlockchainDB = LevelUp(LevelDown('/Users/mwher/AppData/Roaming/Ethereum/geth/chaindata'), dboptions); // my geth mainnet datadir

//the genesis state root
var root = 'd7f8974fb5ac78d9ac099b9ad5018bedc2ce0a72dad1827a1709da30580f0544';

/* console.log('BlockchainDB.get:');
BlockchainDB.get(new Buffer(root, 'hex'), { // WORKS => BlockchainDB is good
    encoding: 'binary'
}, function (err, value) {
}); */

// https://etherscan.io/block/1
var block1 = new Buffer('88e96d4537bea4d9c05d12549907b32561d3bf31f45aae734cdc119f13406cb6', 'hex');
console.log('block1:' + block1);

const options = { blockDb: BlockchainDB, validate: false };
var blockchain = new Blockchain(options)

blockchain._init( function(err, data) {
/*     console.log(err);
    console.log(blockchain); */

    var bn = 0;
    var hn = Number(bn);
    blockchain.getBlock(hn, function (err, data) { // WORKS for block bn = 0 but not bn = 1
        console.log('blockchain.getBlock.1a.err:', err);
        //console.log('blockchain.getBlock.1a.data:', data);

        var b = new Block(data);
        console.log('Number.1a.JSON:', b.toJSON(true));
        console.log('Number.1a.fields:' + b.header._fields);
        console.log('Number.1a.difficulty:' + (new BN(b.header.difficulty).toString()));
        console.log('Number.1a.gasLimit:' + (new BN(b.header.gasLimit).toString()));
        console.log('Number.1a.timestamp:' + (new BN(b.header.timestamp).toString()));
        console.log('Number.1a.number:' + (new BN(b.header.number).toString()));
        console.log('Number.1a.nonce:' + (new BN(b.header.nonce).toString()), b.header.nonce);
        console.log('Number.1a.extraData:', b.header.extraData);


UPDATE: The code was pretty much working all along but I wasn't looking at the err value from getBlock().

UPDATE2: The above updated code now WORKS for block 0 (zero) - still doesn't work for block 1.

You can verify this works for block zero by comparing the log messages to https://etherscan.io/block/0 but I still get the message 'blockchain.getBlock.1a.err: NotFoundError: Key not found in database 1' when I set var bn = 1;

UPDATE3: By added the following code to my JS script (from here https://gist.github.com/daragao/cda5d96d4d4248826762992badb0f96d#L71-98), it appears I've been able to dump out the keys from my local geth database:

const enc = 'binary';
  .createReadStream({ encoding: enc, valueEncoding: enc, keyEncoding: enc, keys: true, values: false })
  .on('data',(data) => {
    const keyBin = new Buffer(data, enc);
    const keyBinHex = keyBin.toString('hex');

...over 300 million keys that look like the following (first 10 rows):


More news at 11...

1 Answer 1


An idea, instead of

var blockchain = new Blockchain()

try to instantiate using

var blockchain = new Blockchain({blockDB : BlockChainDB})

according to the ethereumjs-blockchain github page

EDIT: ethereumjs-blockchain interacts with LevelDB, but expects a format of block hashes as keys and RLP encoded blocks as values (see the source). geth also uses LevelDB, but stores the state trie (see this answer). This makes it possible to pass the DB to Blockchain constructor (like any LevelDB), but not to interact with it.

  • Unfortunately, I get the same results. Commented Jan 28, 2018 at 2:11
  • Can you reference a resource stating that blocks in geth leveldb can be interacted with this way? I am getting something from the DB, but keys are not block hashes plus there are much more entries
    – comodoro
    Commented Jan 28, 2018 at 20:14
  • Here's an example of how to read the State Trie (wanderer.github.io/ethereum/nodejs/code/2014/05/21/…). I'm assuming there must be some way to read the blocks/transactions from blockchain too. Commented Jan 29, 2018 at 0:49
  • Here's what appears to be the code for ethereumjs-blockchain: github.com/ethereumjs/ethereumjs-blockchain/blob/master/… Commented Jan 29, 2018 at 1:14
  • Look at lines lines 315-319. Doesn't this indicate getBlock() should work for integer-valued block numbers? ...maybe the Number.integer() should come first? Commented Jan 29, 2018 at 15:04

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