I am working with Truffle on a payroll smart contract that handles payments, employee addresses, etc. Right now my structure looks something like this:


pragma solidity ^0.4.19;

import './InterfacePayroll.sol';
import './EmployeeStorage.sol';
import './Token.sol';

contract Payroll is InterfacePayroll, Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint256;

//set employeeStorage to inherit methods of InterfaceEmployeeStorage
InterfaceEmployeeStorage public employeeStorage;

//set employeeToken to Token
Token public employeeToken;

modifier validAddress(address _address){
    require (_address != 0x0);

modifier higherThanZero(uint256 _uint){
    require(_uint > 0);

//contructor initializes an instance of EmployeeStorage
//Gas limit has to be raised manually
//TODO set gas limit internally
function Payroll() public{
    setEmployeeStorage(new EmployeeStorage());
    setEmployeeToken(new Token());

//set employeeStorage to contract EmployeeStorage
function setEmployeeStorage(address _newEmployeeStorage) 
onlyOwner validAddress(_newEmployeeStorage){
    employeeStorage = InterfaceEmployeeStorage(_newEmployeeStorage);

//set employeeToken to Token contract
function setEmployeeToken(address _newEmployeetoken)
onlyOwner validAddress(_newEmployeetoken){
    employeeToken = Token(_newEmployeetoken);

//Accept ETH payments
function () payable public { }

//========================= Functions
//=======Add functions
//Add employee to employee storage
function addEmployee(address _address, uint256 _monthlySalary, uint256 _startDate)
    employeeStorage.add(_address, _monthlySalary, _startDate);



So you can see that Payroll uses an instance of Employeestorage and Token. I have tested it on Remix and it seems to be working fine. My question is, how would my 2_deploy_contracts.js look like? Seems like it would simply be:


var payroll = artifacts.require("./Payroll");

module.exports = function(deployer) {

Here is my Gist with all the code.

  • 1
    From eyeballing it, yes. It appears that payroll deploys the instances it depends on so deploy is that simple. You can confirm that in Remix. Is the necessary to "Create" more than one contract to get it to work? Commented Dec 24, 2017 at 22:56
  • @RobHitchens yes, in Remix after compiling, the only contract I create is Payroll and all functionalities are working properly.
    – ApollyoN
    Commented Dec 24, 2017 at 23:13

1 Answer 1


If all the imports are libraries and the given contract is you main contract then use this:

var InterfacePayroll = = artifacts.require("./InterfacePayroll");
var EmployeeStorage= = artifacts.require("./EmployeeStorage");
var Token= = artifacts.require("./Token");
var Payroll = = artifacts.require("./Payroll");
module.exports = function(deployer) {
deployer.deploy(InterfacePayroll );
deployer.link(InterfacePayroll ,Payroll );
deployer.link(EmployeeStorage,Payroll );
deployer.link(Token,Payroll );
deployer.deploy(Payroll );

In short, deploy the libraries/dependencies, then link them, then deploy your favorite contract. :)

  • Don't I also need: var payroll = artifacts.require("./Payroll");
    – ApollyoN
    Commented Dec 26, 2017 at 19:46
  • Yes you do, i missed it. Commented Dec 26, 2017 at 20:24
  • Thank you! I am still not clear why I have to link the libraries if Payroll.sol deploys the libraries internally.
    – ApollyoN
    Commented Dec 26, 2017 at 20:28
  • how does it deploy them internally? Commented Dec 26, 2017 at 20:33
  • If you see the setEmployeeStorage and the setEmployeeToken functions they each take a new() instance of EmployeeStorage and Token thus internally deploying them, no?
    – ApollyoN
    Commented Dec 26, 2017 at 20:42

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