How can I purchase some Ethereum so that I can award it to our users for winning quiz. I am thinking of making a system where we can invoke RPC calls like this:
curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_sendTransaction","params": [{"from":"0xcd3b9926a4415fe1ac1090b6e2c61ff33a7be5e7", "to":"0xB708D7dF86180d1D6a486ecbc49683bb2633abE2", "value": 2e18}], "id":1}' -X POST http://localhost:8545/
The call will transfer the Ether from our totalSupply of Ether to one of our users account who wins the Quiz.
Also is it possible to create Ether accounts linked with Users using Curl request ? I want to map users in our database with the Ether account. How will we convey the Ethereum account credentials to users so that they can access it and sell Ether for real cash ?