I have written data to a contract using sendRawTransaction, and am trying to fetch it using web3.eth.call for the function :
function checkRecord(uint id, bytes email) constant returns (uint id2, bytes email2, bytes hash) {..}

I create call data as
var callData = contract.checkRecord.getData(id, email)
to get

and fetch result as
result = web3.eth.call({'to': address, 'from': account, 'data': callData})

where result is

How do i decode the result back to (uint, bytes, bytes) ?

3 Answers 3


you can use web3 built-in functionality:

web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(typesArray, hexString);

see link


The easiest way is to use "abi-decoder". I forked the repository and created index.html for easy usage.

You can download and use it from: https://github.com/Muhammad-Altabba/abi-decoder (you can later check it at https://github.com/ConsenSys/abi-decoder once they will accept my pull request)

To download and run using NPM:

npm install abi-decoder
bower install abi-decoder

Then download https://github.com/Muhammad-Altabba/abi-decoder/index.html to the same directory. Then open the file "index.html" in browser.

You will get:

abi-decoder index.html


As the web3 documentation points out web3.eth.call returns a String, which is the returned data of the call, e.g. a codes functions return value. In your case the result string contains a uint (which is an alias for uint256) and two dynamically-sized byte arrays.

Split the result into 32-byte chunks and then apply a toAscii(hexString) function on the chunks.

With this method you'll get that the uint is the number 2 padded with zeroes, it looks like this: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002. The first byte array is {96,160,21,[email protected]}. The second byte array contains only zeros.

  • 1
    toAscii is deprecated. Use hexToAscii in web3 v1. web3.utils.hexToAscii(0x....)
    – sunwarr10r
    Commented Jul 16, 2018 at 9:03

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