I'd like to implement a linked list in contract storage
Something link this:
contract A {
struct LinkedList {
uint value;
LinkedList storage next; // What goes here? Can I reference the storage of the next struct in solidity?
Within your struct you will want to keep track of the next item in the list
struct LinkedList {
bytes32 next;
uint value;
Then keep track of the lenth + head of the list and store the structs in a mapping with their ID's
uint public length;
bytes32 public head;
mapping (bytes32 => LinkedList) public listObjects;
You can add entries like this:
function addEntry(uint _number) public returns (bool) {
LinkedList memory object = LinkedList(head,_number);
bytes32 id = sha3(_number, length, block.timestamp);
listObjects[id] = object;
head = id;
You do not need a linked list because arrays in Solidity are automatically expanded and this would just add gas execution overhead.