This is a contract that requires an argument to be deployed.
The Contract Name is "Asset". The compiler used is "Compiler 0.4.16+commit.d7661dd9.Emscripten.clang" and Optimization was Disabled.
To validate it this is the tool used.
Other contracts with no constructor arguments were succesfully verified, but this one complains like this:
Error! Unable to verify source code
Missing Constructor Arguments for function Asset(address _SCIssuers)
It seems that the validator needs to know a ABI-encoded info about constructor arguments as stated here.
I tried to encode Method ID + first parameter, but had some difficulties. To deploy the contract I used:
So first parameter must be 0x22bc795b5b8154fe619724e7cb1f4b931cd39c11.
Problem is to find out the constructor method ID. The online IDE used to deploy doesn't tell me that information. How can I find it?
By the way, the constructor function is this one:
// Constructor
function Asset(address _SCIssuers) {
SCIssuers = _SCIssuers;
Any help? Thx!