I want to call a function of the contract, something like this -

module.exports.transfer = function(to,value,){ 
   return token.methods.transfer.getData(to, value);

But I am facing the error

token.methods.transfer.getData is not a function

How do i resolve it , is getData() deprecated or their is any other way to get the data of function with desired arguments ?

web3 version - 1.0 beta


2 Answers 2


For web3 1.0 beta you should use encodeABI, from the documentation:


for web3 1.2.1(new release) you should use it like:

    contract_interfact.methods.methodName().call({from:"address"},(err,res) => {

    contract_interfact.methods.methodName(arguments).send({from:"address"},(err,res) => {

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