I have a smart contract that broadcasts events to web3 clients, upon each event being broadcast, the listening client makes a tx call to my contract.
I would like to set up an 'always on' event listener - so some sort of web service and all it does is listen for events being broadcast from my smart contract and make tx calls. This way the browser would not have to be open to fire off tx to my contract when it 'hears' an event.
In my mind, obviously this webservice would need to have its own local node running, and have a coinbase with enough funds in it to run the tx.
How could I accomplish this scenario?
Basically, I need a web3 file to always be listening - with no one visiting the actual page in browser that has the js listeners.
Is this achievable? Would something like nodejs be able to do this?
Please help it is crucial to my smart contract application.