I've got the dreaded "Could not unlock signer account" with the latest geth on a wallet.
It was an offline wallet but I made sure it was unlockable before sending funds to it, by trying it offline, on a private net. I wrote every step that was needed to get back the funds. It was working on 2015-09-18 when I created the wallet and I was able to move funds on a private net (with my own genesys block). So I know the wallet's file is correct. I'm 100% sure my password is correct. This is the kind of thing I quadruple-checked.
If I now start geth 1.3.5 using geth console, here's what I get:
> personal.unlockAccount(eth.coinbase)
Please unlock account ef..............
Or this:
> eth.sendTransaction({from:eth.accounts[0],to:"0x........",value:web3.toWei(4000,"ether"),gas:30000})
Unlock account ef.....
could not unlock signer account
at InvalidResponse (<anonymous>:
This is very worrying.
I'm 100% sure my password is correct: it's not only written down, there are also explanation (like "name of my cat, 7 lowercase letters).
And, once again, I did try this wallet on a private network back in august and I could unlock it. The file ain't corrupted: it gives the correct shasum (which I also wrote down).
Basically I'm the paranoid type and I know I quadruple-checked this, I even wrote the date at which I've send ETH on a private chain using this wallet (by mining blocks myself I had ETH in that wallet on my private network).
Are my 40 K USD lost?